Zero Hunger

BMC's Dedication to Achieving Zero Hunger

Zero Hunger goal emphasizes ending all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030. It also aims to make sure all people– especially children and more vulnerable members of society– have access to sufficiently nutritious food all year round. BMC has demonstrated commitment to achieving zero hunger. BMC’s approach towards this target involved integrating education, community outreach, partnerships, and research.

BMC's Proactive Initiatives Toward Zero Hunger

Educational Modules

Understanding that knowledge dissemination starts from educational institutions, BMC has integrated modules in its curriculum that emphasize the importance of nutrition, food safety and security. By educating the next generation of medical professionals on these topics, BMC ensures that they will be better equipped to address and advocate for these issues in their professional capacities.

Partnerships and Collaborations:

Recognizing that collaboration amplifies impact, BMC has actively sought out partnerships with local NGOs, governmental bodies, national and international organizations. These partnerships are designed to pool resources, knowledge, and expertise to address the complex challenge of hunger more effectively.

One of the significant steps taken by BMC is its strategic partnership with Savola World Foundation. BMC's involvement in Savola flagship program “Negaderha” underscores its dedication to this zero-hunger goal. Negaderha, addresses a pressing national issue – food wastage. This program investigates deeply to understand the key drivers behind food wastage in the nation. By partnering with global entities like the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and The Food Waste Resources Action Program (WRAP), Negaderha has adopted a comprehensive research methodology. The primary objective is to equip communities with actionable insights and tools, fostering improved food waste management practices. Given that Saudi Arabia ranks high in global food wastage, according to FAO's report, initiatives like Negaderha are of paramount importance. By facilitating several initiatives that align with zero hunger theme in partnership with Savola World Company, BMC augments its contribution towards SDGs.

Another exposure of BMC’s students to real-world applications of industrial and food safety best practices is the visit to the Al Baik food factory. This visit helped students understand the critical role of food safety.

Community Outreach Programs

BMC conducts regular community outreach programs, where students and faculty visit underserved communities to provide basic medical check-ups. During these visits, they also educate the community members on the importance of nutrition, balanced diets, and methods to maximize the nutritional value of available resources.

Moreover, BMC is channeling its resources and efforts towards the noble goal of zero hunger through initiatives like Food baskets and Ramadan Boxes in which BMC collaborated with multiple non-profit organizations to support vulnerable communities, primarily during the sacred periods of Ramadan and the two feasts. One of the main pillars of this initiative was the distribution of food baskets. BMC has successfully given out over 1000 of these baskets, loaded with necessary food supplies, to poor families. This endeavor is more than just immediate relief; it highlights BMC's commitment to ensuring food security for the community.

Similarly, during the holy month of Ramadan, the BMC Volunteering Club annually organizes the "Ramadan Boxes" event, emphasizing the culture of sharing and community involvement. In 2023, the event showed a collection of generous donations followed by the preparation of food boxes. After a strategic procurement process, 100 enthusiastic volunteers assembled 1425 boxes filled with essential food items. These boxes were then distributed across Jeddah to deserving families, exploring BMC's dedication to ensuring zero hunger.

Research and Addressing the Wider Implications of Hunger

The college has actively encouraged research into areas concerning food security and nutrition. These research projects aim to identify local challenges to achieving food security and devise innovative, sustainable solutions. BMC’s emphasis on research ensures that its contributions to the zero-hunger goal are supported by evidence and localized to the needs of the community.

Moreover, beyond just ensuring access to food, BMC's approach to zero hunger involves understanding and addressing the broader implications of hunger, such as its impact on health, education, and overall well-being. Malnutrition, for instance, can lead to numerous health complications, including stunted growth in children and increased vulnerability to diseases. By addressing these wider implications, BMC helps in providing a comprehensive solution to the challenge.

Student-led Initiatives

Students at BMC are encouraged to undertake projects and initiatives that align with the SDGs, especially zero hunger. From food drives to educational campaigns, students play an active role in ensuring the college's commitment to SDG2. Their youthful enthusiasm and innovative ideas bring a fresh perspective to the applications.


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